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  • 时间:2024-03-26 14:21:23
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  今天我们来学习《华盛顿邮报》2016年10月19日刊登的一篇文章 “It’s Cathartic to Run Angry? Think Again”(《跑步发泄内心愤怒?三思!》)。

  By Gretchen Reynolds

  唐伟胜 / 选注

  原 文:Exercising with unusual vigorwhile you are enragedor emotionally distraughtcould be dangerous for your heart, according toa cautionarynew study of the types of events that may triggerheart attacks.


  vigor n. 活力,精力;<同/近> vitality, energy;

  vigorousadj. 精力充沛的;invigorate v. 使充满活力

  enrage v. 激怒;<同/近> irritate

  ragen. 怒火; fly into a rage 火冒三丈

  distraughtadj. 发狂的,心烦意乱的;<同/近> delirious

  according to根据;区别(=in accordance with)

  cautionaryadj. 警告的;劝诫的);<同/近> admonitory

  cautionn. 谨慎,警示;cautious adj. 小心谨慎的

  triggern. 扳机,扳手,触发器;vt. 引发,触发。trigger原本的意思是扳机,即机器的触发器;松开扳手,就会触发一系列反应。

  研究表明,诱发有心脏病史的人病发(initiate heart attacks in people with cardiac disease)的原因多种多样,有时候令人意想不到,包括:日出(sunrise)时分、观赏运动(spectator sports)、地震(earthquakes)、空气污染(air pollution)、工作压力(job stress)、节假日(holidays)等,真是危险无处不在,而极端的体力消耗(physical exertion)和情感创伤(emotional distress)都会导致急性的心脏病发,两者如果结合起来,风险加倍!

  原 文:The results indicatethat, individually, both strenuousworkouts and emotional upheavalincrease thelikelihoodofcardiac arrest, but the risk is greatest if you combinethem.


  indicatevt. 表明;类似的词汇还有suggest, show, demonstrate

  individuallyadv. 单个地;个体地(与本句后面的combine对照)

  strenuousadj. 艰苦的;费劲的

  upheavaln. 剧烈变化;混乱

  likelihood n. 可能性;比较常用的是be likely to do...可能做......

  increase the likelihood of... 增加......的可能性

  combinev. 联合;结合;

  combinationn. 联合


  以往许多这一类研究心脏病诱发的实验采用的实验样本(sample size)都不大,而且局限于某个单一国家,有地理局限性(geographically localized)。而这项国际性的研究的权威性就在于,其研究基于庞大的数据基础上,样本有12500人之多,分别来自52个国家。

  原 文:Part of a large, ongoing investigationof cardiac disease, this study was meant to focus on what might have set off someone’s heart attack, with particular attention being paid to people’s physical and emotional statesjust before they fell ill.


  investigation 探索,研究,调查

  cardiac disease 心脏疾病

  set off someone’s heart attack引发心脏病

  physical and emotional states 身体和心理状况

  该项研究主要通过问卷调查(questionnaire)的方式展开,问卷的条目(entries)包括“Were you engaged in heavy physical exertion?” 和“Were you angry or emotionally upset?”这两项涉及到运动和情绪的问题。主要在患者心脏病发后的一天开始询问,而患者要回答(respond) 他们在症状(symptoms)开始前一个小时内的感受以及之前一天相同时间段的感受。

  原 文:Since the simplest way to learn about someone’s physical and emotionalstate is to ask, researchers affiliatedwith the ongoing study visited each patient the day after his or her heart attack and went through a questionnairethat included the entries: “Were you engaged in heavy physical exertion?” and “Were you angry or emotionally upset?” The patients were asked to respondyes or no about how they had felt in the hour just before their symptomsbegan and also during the same hour the day before.


  emotionaladj. 情感的;心理的

  affiliate v. 附属于;与......相联系

  questionnairen. 问卷

  entryn. 词条;条目

  respondv. 回答

  symptomn. 症状


  原 文:Compared to how they felt the day before the heart attack, people had about twice the risk of a heart attack when they were extremely active and about the same risk when they were feeling very emotional. Combining those states and exercising while upset tripledsomeone’s risk of a heart attack compared to their risk the day before. Factoring in people’s age, general levels of physical fitness, body weightand smoking history did not change the results.


  upset adj. 令人沮丧的

  triple v. 三倍

  body weight体重

  通过本文,我们学到了一些关于调查研究的基本词汇,比如:样本是sample; 样本量是sample size; 问卷是questionnaire; 问卷中的问题是entries; 受调查者是respondent。大家还可以根据自己的需要去总结更多关于调查研究的词汇。


  be enraged

  emotionally distraught

  emotional upheaval

  extreme emotional distress

  be emotionally upset


  be heavily active

  be extremely active

  feel very emotional

  intense emotions

  extreme emotion


